20181118-Peanut,Butter,and_Jelly_Peaks Home Return to http://kenny.kcmeyer.com
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01-starting_our_trek-Peanut_Peak_in_distance-Val,Julia,Stella,Luba,Ed,Kenny 02-Kenny_leading_the_way 03-looking_back 04-favorite_rock_for_Kenny_to_take_a_break
01-starting_our_... 02-Kenny_leading... 03-looking_back.jpg 04-favorite_rock...
05-group_takes_a_break 06-bighorn_sheep_skeleton_we_always_pass_by_along_the_way 07-inspecting_the_bighorn_sheep_skeleton 08-heading_up_a_slope
05-group_takes_a... 06-bighorn_sheep... 07-inspecting_th... 08-heading_up_a_...



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I was extremely impressed with my son's fortitude, attitude, and physical ability on this hike. He was strong and determined to be the first to Peanut, Butter, and Jelly Peaks. He passed Luba, and then Ed to reach the peaks first while I stuck back keeping track of others moving slower. Unfortunately, due to the slowness of the others, I had to declare Sandwich Peak to be aborted because we wouldn't get back before sunset. Kenny was very helpful with someone getting them down a slope. I pulled him over to the side letting him know how well he is helping, but we will not make it to Sandwich even though he is fully capable of doing so. I told him, there is only one way for him to make it....he has to abandon me, who will take care of the others, while he would continue with Ed and Luba. He opted to stay behind to help out. I respected the decision. We then all agreed to head back to the vehicles via a little different route which was still scenic. It was disappointing since Kenny could have done all the peaks. Instead, we'll have to wait to do Sandwich next year.

Since Kenny was the only one (at least what I saw) who didn't bring a PJ&J sandwich. I saw inspiration from his lunch which was ham and cheese. There are two peaks....one which is a peak that needs to be visited to be designated as Ham Peak while another mesa will be Cheese Peak. Imagine someday in the future the stories to tell to tie all these peaks together!!! Another journey that should be done soon with Kenny. We might be able to do them both in the same day, but they are in opposite directions.