20180606-school_Merit_Assembly,0608-last_day_of_school-lots_of_fun | Return to http://kenny.kcmeyer.com |
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06-Kenny_receives_his_awards.mp4 - (104 MB)
Kenny's last day of elementary school. Gulp.
We started him at Challenger School in kindergarten, never imagining he'd still be there 6 years later (and enrolling for middle school, too). But, it suits him. He genuinely relishes the challenge and learning opportunities his school offers, and he feels tremendously proud of himself. There are days when I wonder how he does it all -- 1.5 hours of homework and 1.5 hours of swim practice most nights -- but he gets it done, does it well, and never, ever complains. He's becoming a master at time management and is pretty friggin self-reliant.
I've worried over the years I was pushing him too hard. But this year, in the last few months specifically, it's become clear his drive is intrinsic. He's got goals, big goals, and he's pursuing them with a determination that amazes me. I support him (i.e. feed him, drive him, encourage him, and applaud him).
I'm excited to see where life takes my little achiever, and I hope he has a wonderfully fun summer, because next year is middle school and even more/longer swim practices! Go get 'em, Kenny.