20140701-20140722-misc_pictures | Return to http://kenny.kcmeyer.com |
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01-he's_a_big_ki... | 03-ready,set_div... | 05-look...Daddy_... | 06-Santa_Claus_v... |
07-Santa_Toney-c... | 09-composition_M... | 10-composition_p... | 11-another_compo... |
02-learning_how_to_dive_in_the_pool_correctly-720p.mp4 - (52 MB)
04-swimming_fun-720p.mp4 - (58 MB)
08-showing_Kenny_pictures_of_special_guest_on_tour_today-he_had_trouble_figuring_it_out-4.5_min-720p.mov - (365 MB)
Mommy wasn't thrilled with Daddy about trying to keep the Santa illusion going like this. She wants him to logically figure out the parents are Santa. Although, Daddy wants to keep the 'I Believe' spirit going a bit longer. More good memories for Kenny to remember when young. Toney offered I should call him a week or so before Christmas to possibly call Kenny on Christmas to wish him a Merry Christmas and make sure he enjoys the gifts he received from Santa. It will be an amazing experience for Kenny if this works as planned.